Got a problem? Let's find a solution.

Building systems to improve productivity, efficiency, and consistency for small businesses.

What is a generalist?


I've built and used management systems in Salesforce, Zendesk, and Honeybook. A good CRM is the easiest step to making your business more consistent and efficient, and less stressful to keep on track.


I have experience using common sitebuilders such as WordPress and Squarespace, more niche options like VimeoOTT, and the tools to adapt to your website builder of choice.


From simply transferring video archives to creating robust custom reports from existing SSMS databases using Microsoft Visual Studio, data storage, access, and analysis is well within my wheelhouse.

And More!

I've set up ticketing programs, performed video editing and graphic creation, and leveraged my coding knowledge in feature customization. I bring a lot to the table, and I'd love to meet you there and find out how I can help!

Education: BA in Computer Science and BA in Political Science from Smith College

About Me

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Contact Information

Reach me at my email at or using the form linked below!

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